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Hot Lunch





Order online at


HOW TO REGISTER: (Registration open September of each school year)

1)      Go to:  
2)      Click the “Register Here” button (as shown below). The system will guide you through
3)      After adding your children, click the green “Order Lunch!” button to order
4)      Next time, just click the “Login Here” button to access your account.
**Please check that your child’s Grade & Division is current. To Edit Your Child’s Info – Click “My Family” >”My Children” > Click “Edit” next to child’s name > Input Grade & Division > Click “Save” **

If you have any questions, please email us at
Upcoming hot lunch and treat dates:
Thursday, February 13th - Subway sandwiches and Booster Juice - order by Friday, February 7th, 11:59PM!
Thursday, February 27th - Westcoast Poke - order by Friday, February 21st, 11:59PM!
Friday, March 7th - Popcorn and treat sale - after school at basketball court - CASH ONLY
Wednesday, March 12th (just before dismissal) - TCBY Frozen Yogurt/Sorbet - order by Thursday, March 6th, 11:59PM!
Thursday, March 13th - Fusion Feast Pizza, Pasta and Curry - order by Friday, March 7th, 11:59PM!
**Please be sure to complete payment for your order(s) within one hour of ordering as Munch-a-Lunch automatically deletes all unpaid orders**
If your student will be away for a hot lunch date, please notify PAC by email - to arrange pick-up of the lunch.
There will be no refunds, and all lunches without pickup details will be donated to a student without a lunch.
We appreciate your support for our hot lunch program, and thank you for understanding.

The PAC needs help to make Hot Lunch a success. We are always looking for parent(s)/guardian(s) who can help organize orders on Hot Lunch days. Please check the “VOLUNTEER” option in Munch-a-Lunch that is provided after placing your order, or email the PAC team at