
Happy Summer!

Happy Summer! 2020-2021 has been a challenging year, and, congratulations, we made it to the other side!  All of us in the Lee community; students, staff, PAC and families, should pat ourselves on the back for our hard work in navigating all the pandemic restrictions and changes during this exceptional school year.  A special thank you to all our wonderful Lee teachers and staff for their positivity and flexibility as they guided and supported our students throughout the year.  Thank you to our entire Lee community for your continued support this year of our various PAC fundraising programs including the Purdy’s Winter Fundraiser, West Coast Seeds Fundraiser, Families-At-Home Photo Fundraiser and the Prowl-A-Thon.  With your assistance, we continue to fund various school-related expenses which benefit all our students at Lee.    Our PAC Executive for the upcoming 2021-2022 school year are: PAC Co-Chairs – Melissa Smith & Chantel Grabi Treasurer - Julie Bevan Secretary - Pandeep Mann Member-At-Large - Bob Mann     Congratulations to our Grade 7s who have graduated and move on to high school next year.  Farewell also to the staff members and other students and families which are leaving Lee this year.  Good luck and best wishes to all. Please take the opportunity in 2021-2022 to participate in your PAC.  Our next PAC meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, September 29th at 7 pm.  Please check the PAC website for more details closer to the date. One final personal message from this year’s outgoing PAC Chair, Tina Leung:  Thank you everyone – staff, students, parents – for a wonderful experience and many happy memories from my family’s time at Lee.  It has been a pleasure to work with the PAC as part of such a fantastic school community.  Best wishes to everyone at Lee for next year.   Enjoy a safe, restful, and enjoyable summer.  
Updated: Thursday, November 4, 2021