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PAC Meeting Minutes - Jan. 2025

January 22, 2025 @ 5:30 pm
Location: Walter Lee Library

In Attendance
PAC Executives - K.C., J.B., D.G., K.B., A.C.
PAC Members - G.A., T.S., L.J., S.D.
Admin - Alfred C.

Welcome and Introductions

K.C. called the meeting to order at 5:35pm, Land acknowledgment, and thanked all in attendance.
Review and Approval of Agenda: Motioned by A.C. and Seconded by G.A.
Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes (November 2024): Motioned by A.C. and Seconded by G.A.

Chair Report (K.C.)

Popcorn + Candy Cane Sale (Gr. 6/7 Fundraiser) held on this date - $401 profit.

Pedalheads Partnership - promo code sent out to parents ($25 off program fee for parents, $25 donated by
Pedalheads to the PAC).  Promo Code has been sent out via WhatsApp and will be posted to the FB page.

First hot lunch with Freshslice Seafair (under new franchisee since we last used them)  had it’s challenges including late delivery, missing items and wrong items . KC will be meeting with the Manager in-person to debrief, and also discuss support for our Freshslice Cares funding application (for new playground / break time equipment).

Eat Up Catering - potential new hot lunch supplier? Have a range of menu items at a flat rate of $8.50
with $0.50 going to PAC. Will look at trying after Spring Break.

Treasurer Report (A.C.)

Account updates given.
Year to Date Funds for Gr. 6/7 (including $401 profit from today’s Popcorn + Candy Cane Sale) 
$998.94, in the General Account.  This funding will offset costs for Gr. 6/7 events such as outings and leaving events.

Fundraising Update (K.B.)

Discussion about a potential samosa fundraiser.  Two companies discussed and pros/cons of each. Tentative campaign
dates: Feb 10 - 28 campaign.

Discussion about a potential gift card fundraiser.  Will likely revisit this next school year so that it could be promoted closer to holiday time.

Discussion about a Growing Smiles fundraiser.  K.B. to obtain pricing for these items so it can be discussed further at next PAC meeting.

RDPA Update - D.G.

District looking for feedback on Long Range Facilities Plan.

Proposed changes to the complaints process.

Some secondary schools to get security cameras outside and in some hallways.

Grade 7 Committee Formation Update - K.C.

So far no commitment from other parents, just K.C. and J.B.. K.B. will create a Canva mailer to be
sent home with Grade 7 students asking parents to join the committee to help plan / organize the Gr. 7 leaving event.

Administrator’s Report (Alfred Chan)

Another great Winter Concert

Learning Updates available soon.

Term 1 was relatively smooth.

Girls and Boys Basketball have started. There is talk at the District level about making basketball and
track more “open” to maximize participation and encourage more students to get involved in physical
activity. For example, they are looking at possibly combining boys and girls like in volleyball.

Debeck will be using Lee gym on Mondays after school

Have booked Jess Dexter and her team to run dance sessions this spring - hip hop en francais for
intermediate and Afro style for Primary.

Parents Conferences in February - more information to be available soon.

Planning a short assembly and a staff celebration for Ms. Bazso & Ms. Ip who will be retiring at the end
of the month. Also in the process of hiring their replacements.

Surveys for the Ministry of Education and for UBC (Middle Years Development Index) - Grade 4, 5, 7.
Parents, teachers, and principal input is appreciated for the Ministry of Education one, the UBC one is for
students only.

Roundtable Discussion

Playground Equipment - ordering through Sportfactor. Alfred will send K.C. a preferred order, but
looking at 3 of the sets ($460/set) plus some a la carte balls. Hoping that Freshslice’s funding can cover
all or part of this expense, but PAC will have to vote to cover the difference (or all if we don’t get the
Freshslice funding). Freshslice’s funding is up to $2,500.

March 7 - Treat sale (popcorn & freezies) - after school.

Welcome Back BBQ 2025 - date tentatively set for Thursday, Sept 18 (likely to coincide with Meet the
Teacher again).  Application process for the community grant has started. There are also Canada Post Grant and Richmond Cares, Richmond Gives
Neighbourhood Grants to consider.

Next Meeting PAC meeting: TBD
Meeting adjourned at 7:00 PM.

Updated: Friday, January 24, 2025