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PAC Meeting Minutes - Oct. 2024



October 30, 2024 @ 5:30 pm

Location: Walter Lee Library

In Attendance

PAC Executives - K.C., J.B., A.C., D.G., K.B., 

PAC Members at Large - S.D., G.A., R.G., T.S., M.B., L.J.

 Admin - Principal Chan

Welcome and Introductions

K.C. called the meeting to order at 5:38pm, Land acknowledgment, and thanked all in attendance. 

Review and Approval of Agenda 

Motioned by A.C. and Seconded by J.B.

Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes 

The previous minutes from September meeting were Motioned by A.C. and Seconded by J.B.; this after some minor corrections were noted (revised were emailed out to meeting attendees).

Chair Report (K.C.)

  • RDPA meeting - K.C. attended as neither RDPA reps were available.  RDPA did not have much update aside from the upcoming PAC 101 Workshop (November 5, 2024)  which K.C., K.B. and A.C. will attend.
  • Spirit Wear - ordering will open soon to parents and staff.  Spirit Wear is not a fundraiser for PAC as the markup is minimal (to cover costs such as freight).  Spirit Wear will be ordered exclusively through ProStock so PAC does not incur fees associated with using Munch-a-Lunch.
  • Purdy’s will be offered again this year.  K.B. to oversee the fundraising page.  Orders will close by the end of November with delivery happening in the first week of December.
  • A Grade 7 “Grad” Committee needs to be formed.  Mr. Chan indicates Admin will put a call out for Grade 7 parent volunteers.

Treasurer Report (J.B. and A.C.)

  • This year’s budget was discussed and voted on.  Due to a concern of a possible shortfall in fundraising, members voted to lower the Teacher and EA allotments.
  • PAC needs to raise a minimum of $12, 400.00 to cover classroom expenses and some of the expenses we will incur (Munch-a-Lunch fees, classroom iPad lease, etc.) 
  • Some minor corrections need to be made to the Budget and A.C. will complete these in the coming weeks
  • Budget was voted on (with a notation that the minor corrections would be done as well as the amendment to the allotments); and adopted.

Hot Lunch Update (K.C.)

  • Next set of hot lunch menus are now live on Munch-a-Lunch.
  • There will be a treat day on Wednesday, Dec. 18th at recess.  The hot chocolate and treat menu is also live on Munch-a-Lunch.
  • K.C. will contact Starbucks Richlea Square for donation of hot water and cups for treat break and for the upcoming Gr. 6/7 hot chocolate sale (funds will go to Grade 6/7’s for farewell, etc.)
  • Discussion about a backup plan for hot water and cups if Starbucks cannot provide.  Some PAC members are able to provide if need be.
  • Fruit and milk program has started back up with delivery occurring today.  K.C. to distribute tomorrow.

Fundraising Update (K.B.)

  • Created by Kids - K.B. reached out to Principal Chan regarding thoughts from teachers as they would need to send home the art work along with the CbK paperwork/ordering information.  Principal Chan indicaets there was not a lot of feedback from teachers and no commitments from them to take it on.
  • K.B. suggests CbK be revisited with teachers next year with a potential for orders to be put in for Mother’s Day/Father’s Day..
  • K.B. has contacted local photographers regarding a Family Photo Day and has found Above & Beyond Productions as a possible vendor.
  • The price of the session includes 20-30 digital prints and the vendor has several slots available in April and May.
  • All members agreed the sessions would be booked for May 3/25 (with a possible second date; total 24 time slots available).
  • Spirit Wear - parents are being directed to use the general sizing guide on ProStock’s website to determine correct size for their orders.
  • Some leftover Spirit Wear from previous orders can be used as samples (to be placed in the office for staff and parents to try).
  • Movie Night - happening on Friday, Nov. 22nd.  “Inside Out 2” will be shown.  Admissions and pizza can be pre-ordered on Munch-a-Lunch.  Some additional pizza and treats will be available during the movie.

Administrator’s Report (Principal Chan)

  • Grade 6/7 camp was successful.  Camp will occur again during the 2025/26 school year, however Mr. Chan will need to decide if it should occur in the spring instead of the fall.
  • Camp costs $340 (2 night stay) / student.  Mr. Chan notes this pricing does not cover the substitute teachers (as some regular staff attend the camp), ferries or buses and thus, camp may not be financially feasible.  Mr. Chan also notes camp may be a financial burden to families.  
  • Mr. Chan may look into Camp Jubilee or the UBC Ropes course as options, however notes that the cost for the Ropes course may be around the same as an overnight camp.
  • Volleyball season has begun with 2-3 games coming up.
  • November will be busy with IEP meetings and Parent-Teacher Conferences.
  • Sensory pathway decals were discussed. Mr. Chan will have to confirm with the District on the regulations the school will need to adhere to when purchasing and installing the pathway.  April will source out decals once Mr. Chan has provided that information.

Roundtable Discussion


  • Recycling Program - Funds collected from recycling usually goes to Grade 6/7 fundraising, however K.C. indicates that there has been no indication that Grade 6/7 Leaders want to take this on.  If there is no interest from the students to take this on, the funds will be used by the PAC for other initiatives.  K.C. will empty out the bins and return the bottles/cans to Return-It in the coming weeks.  
  • Use of cellular devices and discussion of how to inform parents of District cellular phone policy - Members noted concern about cellular phones being used at school with no apparent disciplinary measures being taken. 
  • Mr. Chan indicates as per District policy, any devices are prohibited during all school time (including breaks) and should a teacher or break time monitor see a student using a device, it is confiscated and the students' caregivers are made aware.
  • Mr. Chan notes the school guest wifi has all social media blocked and no students should have access to the wifi password.  Mr. Chan further notes any students who are accessing sites on devices are doing so using their own data.
  • A concern was raised about how to educate and engage parents who are allowing their children to bring their device to school.  Mr. Chan notes he and staff will continue to share the same messaging to parents - devices are not permitted at school and any devices that are seen by staff, will be confiscated.


Next Meeting

Next PAC meeting: November 27, 5:30PM.

Meeting adjourned at 7:45PM.


Updated: Thursday, January 9, 2025